RockYou2024: 10 Billion Stolen Passwords Leaked Online


Cybernews found a file with almost 10 billion stolen passwords. The file is called “RockYou2024.” A user named “ObamaCare” shared it on July 4th.

Finding RockYou2024

Cybernews Role

Cybernews found RockYou2024. They told everyone about it.

First Announcement

They made the announcement on July 4th. It surprised many people.

Details of the Leak

How Big is It?

RockYou2024 has 9.9 billion passwords. It’s very big.

Where It Came From

The file was shared on a website called BreachForums. The user “ObamaCare” shared it.

About RockYou2021

Old Database Details

RockYou2021 had 8.4 billion passwords. It was a big leak too.

Adding to RockYou2024

RockYou2024 has data from RockYou2021 and adds 1.5 billion new passwords.

Effects of the Leak

Possible Problems

This leak can cause many problems. Hackers can use the data.

Credential Stuffing Attacks

Hackers use stolen passwords to try and get into accounts.

Who is “ObamaCare”?

User Profile

“ObamaCare” is a user on BreachForums. They have shared many leaks before.

Past Activities

They shared data from a law firm, an online casino, and a college.

Leaked Password Sources

Affected Databases

RockYou2024 has data from about 4,000 databases. It’s a huge collection.

Types of Data Leaked

The leak includes passwords and other info. It’s a big security risk.

Risks to People

Brute-Force Attacks

Hackers can use the data for brute-force attacks. Many accounts are at risk.

Security Risks

Stolen passwords can lead to security problems. Both personal and work accounts are in danger.

What to Do

Change Passwords

Change all passwords that might be in the leak. This is very important.


Use multi-factor authentication (MFA). It makes your accounts safer.

Using Password Managers

Why Use Them?

Password managers create and store strong passwords. They make your accounts safer.

Popular Options

Good password managers are LastPass and 1Password.

Check If You’re Affected

Cybernews Tool

Use the Cybernews Leaked Password Checker. It can tell if your passwords are leaked.

Other Tools

Other tools can also check for leaked passwords. Always be careful.

How to Keep Accounts Safe

Make Strong Passwords

Make strong and unique passwords for each account. Don’t reuse passwords.

Update Regularly

Update your passwords often. Hackers will find it more difficult to access your account as a result.

Response by Companies

Security Steps

Companies should take strong security steps. Protecting data is very important.

Training Employees

Train employees about cybersecurity. Knowing how to stay safe helps prevent problems.

Future Impact

Trends in Breaches

Data breaches are happening more often. Stay updated on the latest news.

New Security Practices

Security practices must keep changing. Always be ready for new threats.


The RockYou2024 leak is a big cybersecurity problem. Almost 10 billion passwords were exposed. To stay safe, change your passwords, use MFA, and use password managers. It is very important to verify if your information was leaked.


  1. What is RockYou2024? RockYou2024 is a file with almost 10 billion stolen passwords.
  2. Who shared RockYou2024? A user named “ObamaCare” shared it on a website.
  3. Why is the leak important? It has almost 10 billion passwords, increasing the risk of hacks.
  4. How can I protect my accounts? Change your passwords, use MFA, and use a password manager.
  5. What tools can check if my info was leaked? Use the Cybernews Leaked Password Checker and other similar tools.

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