9 Innovative Use Cases of AI in Australian Businesses in 2024

Discover how Australian businesses and AI across various industries are leveraging AI to achieve remarkable results. Explore real-world examples from BHP, Telstra, Royal Perth Hospital, and more. Learn how AI is optimizing processes, improving safety, and driving growth.

Australian businesses and AI are beginning to effectively tackle AI challenges and develop customized solutions to meet their requirements. If you want to know the highlights and benefits of AI for businesses, they are as follows.

More than 75 percent of Australian businesses are excited about the opportunities AI presents to them. These opportunities include increased efficiency, improved decision-making, and the development of innovative new products and services. However, due to lack of AI talent and skills some projects are holding back. Nonetheless, enterprises at the forefront are demonstrating remarkably innovative AI applications.

Moreover, AI integration is increasingly pervasive across various industries, leading to sector-specific innovations. This enthusiasm for AI is leading to advancements in areas like machine vision technology for optimized loading (manufacturing), AI-powered customer service (telecommunications), and drone-based park management with AI (environmental protection)

Following are notable examples of Australian businesses which are using AI in innovative ways.

1. BHP : Optimizes Iron Ore Operations with AI

BHP, which is one of Australia’s most important manufacturing companies, has adopted innovative AI solutions to optimise the loading and offloading process for iron ore on rail trucks and then loading onto ships for export.

if talking about the utilization of “machine vision technology” holds great significance as it effectively mitigates the risks associated with unexpected fluctuations in iron ore volume during loading or unloading processes, which can lead to spillages and infrastructure harm.

Thanks to AI-powered for monitoring loads , BHP has significantly enhanced safety measures at its operations, resulting in a production saving of 105,000 tonnes within a single operational domain during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Therefore, now this explanation make sense the clear financial and safety benefits that AI can bring to the mining industry.

2. Telstra : AI for Enhanced Customer Service and Network Security

Australia, which is largest company of telecommunications who uses AI, to provide customer service to improve their product recommendations. AI helps customers to get the desired outcomes which they’re looking for more quickly.

Furthermore, Telstra also uses AI in its own networks and systems to proactively detect issues and identify flag cyber threats. Real-time monitoring and response capabilities powered by AI are crucial for Telcos like Telstra, which are prime targets for cybercrime.

3. Local Council : AI for School Zone Safety

In public sector, applications of AI are also flourishing. One is local council (which remained anonymous) partnered with a local AI company to deploy surveillance tools that would monitor school zones for traffic infringements and compliance.

Outcome of this deployment, the council achieved a remarkable 900% increase in the range and frequency of its school zone patrolling.

Automation played a pivotal role in streamlining the submission and follow-up process for infringement claims, ensuring unbiased proceedings driven by technology.

The ultimate outcome has been enhanced by enforcement of compliance regulations and, which is most significantly, safer school zones for the welfare of children.

4. Treasury Wine Estates : AI-powered Weather Forecasting for Australian Vineyards

As far as agricultural business is concerned, due to weather and climate events have a big effect on Treasury Wine Estates. Their vineyards are easily affected by things like such as frosts and smoke from bushfires.

Even if the plants survive, the flavors of the grapes can be ruined, making them useless for making wine.

if Treasury Wine, want to know the impact of its crops then there is need to use two factor one is climate data and second is an AI algorithm in order to make its own forecasts .

Apart from helping to get ready for frosts and fires, this AI system also makes sure water is used wisely by figuring out the right amount needed for each individual vine.

5. National parks management of Kakadu : AI-powered Drone Technology for Ecosystem Monitoring

Kakadu National Park which is in the Northern Territory of Australia and is one of the biggest and most challenging to manage. The weather there can be tough to work in, with temperatures often going over 40 degrees Celsius and high humidity above 60%.

Therefore, to help deal with these difficulties, CSIRO, Microsoft, and the Kakadu Rangers worked together and developed a system using drones to quickly take lots of photos.

Then, they created special AI software to study the pictures and keep an eye on the park’s ecosystems. This innovative use of AI technology helped bring back a big group of magpie geese to wetlands that were once filled with weeds.

6. Royal Perth Hospital : AI for Enhanced Patient Care with HIVE

Royal Perth Hospital which has embraced a solution and called as HIVE (Health in a Virtual Environment) to help ground staff by always watching over patients who need special attention.

HIVE leverages AI to continuously monitor vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels for patients requiring special attention.

If there’s anything unusual, the system sends an alert right away to the HIVE command center. Staff can then quickly talk to the nurses and doctors using audio-visual units.

HIVE makes sure patients get top-quality care, while also freeing staff up to move around and work better. They can feel sure that even though they’re busy, patients who need extra attention are still being watched closely.

7. Commonwealth Bank : Pioneering AI for Streamlined Banking

Now, lets talk about CommBank who has always been enthusiastic using technology, and it’s leading the way in using AI applications and deployment.

The bank is using AI to read, understand, and deal with customer documents faster. which means it only takes half the time it used to verify someone’s income to process for a loan application.

Internally, CBA has turned to generative AI to streamline internal operations, including coding tasks. For instance, the company embraced AI-powered code recommendations almost 80,000 lines of code which was recommended by GitHub Copilot, resulting in a considerable improvement in the engineers productivity.

8. Sydney Airport : AI-powered AR App Revolutionizes Navigation

The valuable purpose of AI is to analyses and provide data in real-time in order to get result and provide feedback. Sydney Airport, in partnership with Google, has introduced an innovative AR-enhanced application.

The purpose of this application utilizes AI to analyze tens of billions images within airport in real-time, effortlessly tracking the user’s location in order to find where is at.

Furthermore, seamlessly providing way finding assistance, it guides and help passengers to gates, baggage claims, retail stores, dining spots, restrooms, and more.”

Apart from helping passengers avoid searching for an information desk, the app is multi-lingual and designed to help those people who do not the other language, so therefore, to overcome the language barriers in navigating the complexity of the enormously complex airport environments this application is developed to communicate each other.

9. The National Pickleball League : Using AI to Elevate the Game

If you haven’t heard of the National Pickleball League (NPL) yet, do not worry about it! you might hear about it soon.

This sport which is fastest growing and getting really popular all over the world, even in Australia, because they’re using smart technology which is called AI to make it even better.

The National Pickleball League (NPL) in Australia partnered with PlaySight, a company that uses advanced computers to watch and study sports videos.

The goal is to help NPL members easily record, stream live, closely review, and share exciting moments and replays online.

Moreover, this collaboration not only aids in creating advertisements for pickleball but also assists players in improving and enhances competition within the league.

What Australian IT pros need to know

Artificial intelligence (AI) can become a big part of how every industry works. in the past, people would use laptops, programs like Microsoft Word and Excel, and sensors to gather and study information, but these tools were separate from the actual work.

Now, with AI, there’s a chance to make technology a natural part of the job itself. This shift is already being driven by forward-thinking companies that recognize the power of AI

For IT professionals, using the application of AI can be different from another it depends on where they work. For example, an IT person at a winery will use AI in a very different way than someone working at Sydney Airport.

AI integration across industries compels IT professionals to develop a deeper understanding of both technology and their specific industry (domain expertise).

This convergence of skills (T-shaped skills) positions them as AI specialists, driving business transformation through AI adoption.

What are the benefits of AI for Australian businesses?

Here are benefits of AI for Australian Business like, Increased Efficiency, Improved Decision-Making, Enhanced Customer Service, Boosted Safety and Security

What are some challenges of adopting AI in Australia?

Challenges of adopting AI in Australia is , Lack of AI skills, Data security concerns, Implementation costs.

How are Australian businesses using AI in different industries?

Manufacturing: BHP uses AI to optimize iron ore loading, reducing spillage and improving safety.
Telecommunications: Telstra leverages AI for customer service recommendations and network security monitoring.
Public Sector: Local councils utilize AI-powered surveillance for school zone safety and compliance.
Agriculture: Treasury Wine Estates employs AI to generate weather forecasts and optimize water usage in vineyards.
Environmental Management: Kakadu National Park uses AI-powered drones to monitor ecosystems and wildlife populations.

How will AI impact IT professionals in Australia?

Demand for Specialized Skills: IT professionals will need a deep understanding of both technology and their specific industry (domain expertise).
Focus on AI Adoption: IT professionals will play a crucial role in integrating and managing AI solutions within businesses.
Evolving Career Opportunities: AI will create new leadership roles for IT specialists who can drive AI adoption and innovation.

What are some examples of successful AI implementation in Australian businesses?

BHP: Achieved a 105,000-tonne production saving through AI-powered load monitoring.
Telstra: Reduced customer service resolution times with AI-powered recommendations.
Local Councils: Increased school zone patrolling efficiency by 900% using AI surveillance.

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